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Gathering Evidence for the Wrongfully Accused

Type of Client: Corporate, Individual

Sometimes information is skewed and people are misunderstood and the good guy gets charged with something they are not guilty of. Imagine an employee who was found calling a foreign competing company. This individual could be investigating a competitive concern, or they could be selling your trade secrets. One situation is perfectly innocent, the other gives you a right to be on alert. In many cases our clients would simply like to remove all doubt and restore trust back into their staff member. This is a very sensitive situation in which we can help management discover the truth.

With over 30 Years of TSCM investigative experience, Michael Guadagno & Associates can help you resolve matters such as this with concrete evidence and a plan to help prevent future instances.

Contact Michael Guadagno & Associates Counterespionage Investigations at Priority (716) 830-6757 or Office (919) 363-6321.