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Are Spy Cameras really for your own good?

By November 7, 2011July 23rd, 2013No Comments

While on assignment I decided to spend a little social time and enjoy the culture in Illinois.   I noticed a carton in the Carbondale ‘NightLife Comix’  Nov 3-9 issue. The carton strip was titled, “POLICE STATE FUNNIES.”

It read, “In the future if you want to drive on any highway, you must agree to place a ‘Government Surveillance Camera’ inside your vehicle.  Is this preposterous?

Kapsch Inc. the Austrian Firm that makes ‘E-Z Pass Technology’ for toll roads in 17 states has applied for a ‘Patent’ for this very thing.

WHY?  The same reason there are cameras everywhere ‘to make you safer.’

The comic goes on to show a GPS equipped with a taser device. The driver is zapped with the taser sting when the driver ‘fails to signal for a lane change.’  The taser is remotely deployed and the drive is zapped.

Even though this was a very funny cartoon and the idea may be a good thing for drivers, failing to signal by someone in front of me is just annoying.  Tasering someone goes beyond the necessary.

Intelligent people can think on this, is all the new and existing surveillance, monitoring, devices really for the purpose of ‘your safety?’

M.Guadagno Associates is available for enhancing your security as we Sweep for Spy Surveillance devices that were placed for the betterment of others who want to gather intelligence information and use it against you. Sometimes a ‘bugging device’ is right in front of you, and often unsuspecting victims fail to recognize what it is.  If you need help, call a professional ‘Spy Finder.’